Clubhouse Fundraising.

10 APR 2021 // By: Talalima Mobley.

If you haven’t heard the news on the biggest buzz in social media, there’s a new app that has taken over and everyone has been wanting a piece of it. Only because of the notion that it’s super exclusive and how accessible celebrities can be on the platform. Back in October of last year, I joined the app and started to gain a lot of traction and visibility that I’m not accustom to receiving. Especially from fashion insiders and peers that recognised the influence that I truly have.

The social media app is audio based only and no type of visual content is shared minus your profile’s avatar. Its called the clubhouse app and I happen to manage three clubs on it: StyleHeirs. club, Fashion Creatives Link Up club - that I cofounded with Dionne and for the third one I am an admin for the Rihanna Navy club that my newly discovered best-friend Catrise founded with her sister.

Recently, the app released a new feature where currently only about 1,000 profiles in North America out of 10 million profiles worldwide have been deemed worthy enough to received tips sent to profiles that are constantly moderating and creating rooms. Mainly users that find value in the rooms that specific moderators host can send tips to those creators as a thank you for the discussions, lessons taught, and relationships that were formed. In order for the send monies feature to work a profile would need to connect a stripe account to their profile and being that we have one for this website I easily connected the So Fit Sofia Fund’s stripe account to clubhouse so that if and when a tip was given, it would be sent directly to the organisation because I’m not depending on clubhouse to be my main personal income.

This might have been a quick thoughtless decision to have done that but I was given a lot of feedback from users on clubhouse that I have got to check with an accountant to make sure nothing falls back on me personally in a negative way. Which was helpful because again this experience is a learning curve.



Sofia wanted to tell HER story and now her story continues with your voice being added to every donation received.