17 MAR 2020 // By: Talalima Mobley.
FINALLY!!!!! Today, the IRS called and I had no clue they mainly have offices in Kansas City, Missouri - where my siblings and I spent most of our childhood. At first when the phone rang, I had thought it had to do with covid-19 news but it was an agent wanting to clear some things up from what was mentioned in the 1023 form. Which was a bit frustrating because we had thought the language on the application was clear enough to understand but being that this was our first experience with this type of packet we had some holes.
Of course this is a learning curve for us all so it was nice to take the feedback and run with it to become a better force for charity. What’s tough is the fact that the IRS is still running with old methods and requiring us to fax in more materials. When the common household today doesn’t own a fax machine and most businesses have parted ways from that type of communication. Now the next hurdle is problem solving, providing more details and finding a location that is open during a pandemic and that will allow us to properly send the information over in a timely manner.
May we continue to pray for guidance from the Heavens and rely on our ancestors to iron-out any unseen stumbling blocks so that we can push forward in our sole-mission.
Sofia wanted to tell HER story and now her story continues with your voice being added to every donation received.